Tuesday, January 20, 2009

under-utilized bangalore roads - looking the other way

I was trying to inch my way beside a car, through the crowded Bannerughatta road, when someone honked behind me: pee peeeeeee !!!! It was more of a 'Yell !!' than a simple give-me-way sound. I moved away, giving way to the big bully dragging behind me, trying to overtake me and head ahead. The car was real big - occupying as much space, which otherwise would have been taken by half a bus. I wondered at the thought, going back home from office.

Welcome to a scene on a narrow road of Bangalore. And there I was, stuck in the middle of all these vehicles, trying to sneak through even the slightest space I could find. And here was this big bully, with it's enormous size. Hold ON .. it doesn't end there. Let me tell you the fact that this big moving car had just ONE person inside !! Yes, just ONE. Sitting in the driver seat, with AC surrounding him, he was obviously unaware of some facts and his responsibility.

And they say, roads are narrow in Bangalore. Agreed they are, but it's little odd to occupy such a big space on the road, where if two of such kinds would have give way to a volvo bus, carrying some 50 persons !!

No hard feelings towards the car owner, but at least the commute to office can be thought to be shared or the office cab facility can be used, rather than traveling alone on a narrow road as this Bannerughatta road !!!

Let me tell you, if taken the number of the people effectively passing through this very same stretch of the road, the number would surely be surprising, no wonder.

Luxury is good, appreciated. But can we think of a way to utilize our roads effectively ...

1 comment:

Beekay said...

Loved your thoughts on the topic. In fact, I second it too.